Aerial yoga, also known as flying yoga and anti-gravity yoga, is a type of yoga that includes using a hammock made of suspended fabric as a prop. these yoga styles are hybrid type of yoga evolved in 2006 mixing authentic yoga poses, pilates & dance with the Utilising a hammock. Aerial Yoga was developed in France (2009) and collaboration with a physical therapist, and has been "approved by medical experts". Aerial Yoga TTC is offered in Ayuryogpeeth Rishikesh. Teaching types of yoga styles to both newcomers and seasoned Yoga practitioners is a skill we have honed. You may fulfill your dream of becoming a yoga teacher. Join one of our 85 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, which was designed with the students in mind. As you know The Yoga Capital Rishikesh is where we hold our Yoga Training Course Sessions. This place's unique charm attracts most Yogis and tourists from around the globe.
Anti-gravity yoga calls for a unique hammock, a prop that can often sustain up to 300 kilograms. Support chains, a silk hammock, a webbing strap and carabiners are the usual components of the rig. The aerial yoga hammock is attached to two support chains that dangle from the ceiling to a height of no more than one metre above the ground. Depending on the intended results, there are 2 ways to set up an flying yoga hammock: either 2 anchor points or 1 anchor point, to provide the participant a wider range of motion. When doing backbends and forward bends, the aerial yoga hammock supports the hips like a swing and flying. Anti-gravity yoga may make it simpler to accomplish challenging mat-based poses, and the movement of the hammock further adds diversity to the aerial yoga practice.
Why Choose Aerial Yoga in Ayuryogpeeth Rishikesh
1500+ Certified Students
15+ Year of Teaching Experience
Post Graduate (PG) and E-RYT Lead Instructors
Spiritual Enviorment in School and Class Room
Apply Traditional Techniques
Outdoor Meditation and Minfullness Activity
Small Class Sizes for Personalized Attention
Yoga Practice in Holy River Maa Ganga Ghat (Ganges Beach)
Sattvic Meal
What is The Benefits of Aerial Yoga
Aerial yoga has several physical and psychological advantages. Here are some of the physical and mental benefits of practicing aerial yoga:
Improved Flexibility: With continued use, the hammock promotes deeper stretches and a greater range of motion, which eventually results in increased flexibility.
Increased Body Awareness: As you go through positions in the air, aerial yoga develops a heightened sense of body awareness that strengthens proprioception.
Mind-Body Connection:Aerial Yoga offers a tranquil and contemplative experience by encouraging attention and strengthening the mind-body connection.
Stress Relief: The soft swaying movements and focus on breathing in aerial yoga promote calmness and a reduction in stress.
Enhanced Strength: Aerial yoga works your muscles, notably your core, arms, and shoulders, resulting in enhanced strength and stability.
Spinal Decompression: Inverted positions in aerial yoga serve to decompress the spine, alleviating pressure and stress.
The 10-days Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Course is created to offers a comprehensive introduction to the practice of Anti Gravity (Aerial Yoga). This Aerial Yoga Course blends components of Authentic yoga with the use of a hammock suspended from the ceiling to enhance strength, flexibility, and relaxation. Throughout the course, participants will learn the fundamental principles of Aerial Yoga, breath control, including proper alignment and basic flying yoga poses. They will also explore various techniques for using the hammock to deepen stretches and flexibility, increase core strength and improve balance. The anity gravity course syllabus includes daily sessions focused on different aspects of Aerial Yoga, such as aerial inversions, aerial relaxation and aerial flows. Participants will've the chance to practice and refine their abilities via guided sessions and personal investigation. By the end of the aerial yoga course, participants will've evolved a solid foundation in Aerial Yoga and will feel comfortable implementing this unique practice into their individual yoga routines or teaching it to others. This Aerial Yoga TTC is suitable for both beginners and advanced yogis looking to expand their practice.
Aerial Yoga Poses combines traditional yoga asana with the assistance of a fabric hammock. It enhances flexibility, balancing and strength while adding a fun and dynamic element to the yoga practice.
The word haṭha literally interprets "force" and thus alludes to a system of physical methods. hatha yoga is associated in popular tradition In India.
Pawanmuktasana series 1
Pawanmuktasana series 2
Palm Tree Pose (Tadasana)
Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
Camel Pose (Utrasana)
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
Revolving Triangle Pose (Parivirtatrikon asana)
bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana)
pegion pose (Rajkapoot asana)
cobra pose (Bhujanghasana)
Upward-facing dog (Urdhva Mukha svanasana)
Additional Postures Covered During 85 Hour AYTTC
Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
Child Pose (Balasana)
Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)
Hero Pose (Virasana)
Thunderbolt (Vajrasana)
Staff Pose (Dandasana)
Half Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Tree Pose (Vriksasana)
Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)
Warrior 1 (Virbhdrasana 1)
Warrior 2 (Virbhdrasana 2)
Warrior 3 (Virbhdrasana 3)
Downward Facing Dog (Adho mukha svanasana)
Waist Rotating Pose (Kati Chakrasana)
The objective of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate minfullness vibrations and connect with whole universe. Every mantra is special and wealthy with spiritual energy.
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah...
Om Bhur-Bhuvah Svah...
Om Brahmarpanam...
Om Saha Naav[au]-Avatu...
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe...
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya...
Om Sarvesham Swastirbhavatu..
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam...
Patanjali Sloka
Aerial Yoga TTC theory class gives a summary of the guiding principles and concepts underneath aerial yoga practice. It includes safety, equipment, alignment, and modifications.
How to use an Aerial yoga hammock in different variations
The terminology of Aerial yoga
What needs to take care of in aerial yoga class
Aerial hammock for yoga, types, preparation, and its function
First aid by injury in Aerial class
Warm-up and joint preparation in aerial yoga
Therapeutic aspects of Aerial yoga
Main principles of Aerial yoga
Adjustment of high and position of student
Difference between Aerial yoga and circus aerial acrobatic
Which Preparation and body opening required for Aerial yoga
Principle of Aerial yoga
Movement in Aerial yoga
Contraindications for an aerial yoga class
Safety techniques, and precautions in Aerial yoga
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary Series (also known as the 1st Series or Yoga Chikitsa), literally interprets yoga therapy. This when practiced on a regular basis heals all illness and cleanses your body in getting ready for deeper Yogic practice - both physical as well as meditative.
Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation A (Surya Namaskar A)
Sun Salutation B (Surya Namaskar B)
Standing Postures
Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana)
Hand-to-Foot Pose (Pada Hastasana)
Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana A, B)
Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana A,B)
Wide-legged Standing forward Bend Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana A,B,C,D)
Intense side stretch pose or pyramid pose (Parsvottonasana)
Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose Utthita Hasta (Padangusthasana)
Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Ardha (Baddha Padmottanasana)
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Warrior pose 1 (Virabhadrasana I)
Warrior pose 2 (Virabhadrasana II)
Finishing Postures
Supported Shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
Plough pose (Halasana)
Knee-to-ear pose (Karnapidasana)
Upward Lotus Pose (Urdvha Padmasana)
Embryo Pose (Pindasana)
Fish pose (Matsyasana)
Raised leg pose (Uttana Padasana)
Upward facing staff pose (Urdhva Dandasana)
Headstand pose (Sirsasana)
Closing Postures
Child's pose (Balasana)
Psychic Union Pose (Yoga Mudrasana)
Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
Scale Pose (Tolasana)
Corpse Pose (Shavasana)
Sitting Postures
Paschimottanasana A,B,C)
Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana)
Trianga Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana)
Janu Sisrasana A,B,C)
Marichyasana A,B,C,D)
Paripurna Navasana)
Supta Kurmasana)
Garbha Pindasana)
Baddha Konasana A,B)
Upavista Konasana A,B)
Supta Konasana)
Supta Padangustasana)
Ubhaya Padangustasana)
Urdvha Mukha Paschimottanasana)
Setu Bandhasana)
Urdvha Dhanurasana)
Pranayama is the control of breath. The fundamental movements of pranayama are inhalation, preservation of breath, and exhalation. “The yogi’s life is not measured by the number of days but by the number of his breaths,” says Iyengar.
Yoga Philosophy is the base of our yoga practice and is the key to acquire yogic strength. Through the route of Vedanta Philosophy, you'll establish a solid, comprehensive yoga practice.
Sanatana Dharma
Jnana Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Karma Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Laya Yoga
Raja Yoga
Patanjali’s Yog Sutras
Citta Vritti
Afflictions of the mind
The Four Goals of Life
The Four Stage of Life
The Vedic System of Duties
The Six System of Indian Philosophy
The Eight Limbs of Yog
Stages of Samadhi
The Six Yoga System
Introduction to Mudra
Types of Mudra
Hasta ( Hand Mudras)
Mana ( Head mudras)
Kaya ( Postural mudras)
Bandha ( Lock mudras)
Adhara ( Perineal mudras)
The Five Prana Mudra
Prana, literally the “forward moving air”.
Apana, literally the “air that moves away”.
Udana, literally the “upward moving air”.
Samana, literally the “balancing air”.
Vyana, literally the “outward moving air”.
Meditation as a practice has acquired wide popularity due to its several advantages.
Introduction of Meditation
Origion & history of Meditation
Silence Practice
Meditation Pose
Breath awarness Meditation
AUM chanting Meditation
Trataka Meditation
Ajapa Meditation
Dynamic Meditation
Antar Maun (Inner Silemce Meditation)
Yoga Nidra
Proper comprehension of the physical body will aid in preventing injury before, throughout and after practice. There are 2 kinds of yoga anatomy: physical and spiritual. Gratitude both types is needed.
Yoga & Posture
Body Planes
Muscle & Posture
Muscular System
Deformities of the spine
Pelvic Region
The Human Knee
Anatomical Movements
Tendon & Ligaments
Rhomboids minor & major
Supraspinatus Muscle
Infraspinatus Muscle
Subscapularis Muscle
Pectoralis Minor
Rectus Abdominus
Latissimus Dorsi
Teres Minor
Bicep Brachii
Tricep Brachii
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Nervous System
Yogic cleansing exercises are significant to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels.
Introduction to Shatkarma
Preparation for Shatkarma
Nauli (Abdominal massaging)
Rubber Neti (Nasal cleansing with rubber)
Benefits of Shatkarma
Jala Neti (Nasal cleansing with water)
Vaman Dhauti (Regurgitative cleansing)
A yoga instructor should effectively perform the practical applications of class arranging and getting ready. At Ayuryogpeth Rishikesh, our aerial yoga students will discover how to make a positive and peaceful class surroundings for an enjoyable and transforming experience.
Students learn the method of purposefully blocking and clearing the block energy flow to different sections of their body.
Introduction to Bandhas
Preparation for Bandhas
Bandhas and the Granthis
Benefits of Bandhas
Jalandhara Bandha (Throat lock)
Moola Bandha (Perineum contraction)
Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal contraction)
Maha Bandha (The great lock)
Aerial Yoga Students will alternate between practicing their teaching techniques by executing in front of their peers and teachers.
Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning "yogic sleep" is a method of deep relaxation and a way to practise meditation. Likewise known as "psychic sleep," yoga nidra is a condition that exists between waking and sleeping.
Getting ready for Yoga Nidra
How to do Yoga Nidra
Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Aerial Yoga Students will alternate between practicing their instructive techniques by executing in front of their peers and teachers
Oral Test
Written & Practical Test
What's Include?
08 Days & 07 Nights Accommodation
Notebooks and Pen
Cleansing Kits, Japa Mala
Daily nutritious vegetarian, vegan meals
Weekend excursions
Free taxi-pickup from (DED) Dehradun airport.
What's Not Include?
Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Treatment
Visa fee/Air fare/Taxi pick-up from Delhi, Haridwar