200 Hour Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Rishikesh has historically been the cradle of yoga learning and teaching. The great Himalayas and the Holy Ganges inspire higher thinking and meditative reflections to the true seeker. Rishikesh resonates with a rare spiritual energy that induces a passion for the learning of yogic philosophies. Spiritual awakening through the yogic way of life is the common thread that runs through all humanity that converges here. Heightened senses reinforced by yoga practice help to lead individuals to the road of self discovery and the very meaning of existence as propounded by Vedanta.

Internationally certified 200 Hour Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training in India and yoga instructor courses in India registered with Yoga Alliance (USA) at registered yoga school Ayuryogpeeth - RYS 200, 300.

This is the foundation course that will orient you towards a yogic way of life and see you on the path to becoming an insightful yoga teacher. The Yoga Teacher Training will familiarize you with the basics in postures, breath control, meditation with safe and correct methodology. You will also learn to understand yoga terms and pronunciation, besides studying anatomy and physiology. The trainees are taught teacher ethics so they are able to maintain teacher student relationship as proscribed by yogic philosophy. This intensive program will give you insights into the inner you besides helping you to lead a more meaningful life.

Ayurveda Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Highlights of 200 Hours Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training

  • Learning different styles of yoga techniques like-traditional Patanjali, Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga, Shivananda Kundalini Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga, etc
  • The concept of Pancha Mahabhuta and Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
  • Yoga and Ayurveda philosophy (Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga)
  • Benefits of Pranayama and Prana Vata, techniques of breathing, Bandhas, Yogic Shatkriya/Shatkarma (Yogic way for cleaning), Panchakarma (detoxification technique)
  • Meditation and Mantra recitation
  • The concept of Sapta Dhatu (Body Elements), Mala (Waste Products), Srotas (Body Channels), Agni (Digestive Fire), Koshta (Alimentary Tract), Prakruti (Body Constitution), and Vikuiti and Ama (Metabolic toxins)
  • Introduction to Yogic texts such as Hata Yoga Pradipika, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, and Charaka Samhita
  • Meditation and Mantra recitation
  • Knowledge of modern anatomy and physiology for Yoga
  • Nutrition and sattvic diet as per Ayurveda

Availability Of The 200 Hour Ayurveda Yoga TTC 2023-24

Start Date End Date Shared Accommodation Fees Booking
01 Apr 2023 28 Apr 2023 $1199 Closed
01 May 2023 28 May 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 June 2023 28 June 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 July 2023 28 July 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 Aug 2023 28 Aug 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 Sep 2023 28 Sep 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 Oct 2023 28 Oct 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 Nov 2023 28 Nov 2023 $1199 Book Now
01 Dec 2023 28 Dec 2023 $1199 Book Now

What Students are saying


Upper Tapovan, Rishikesh Resort
near Deccan Valley,
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249201


+91 9557611775

