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Different Types of Yoga

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Looking for a fitness form, which both is good for your body and your mental spirit and bring the two sides of you on speaking terms?

Find it in yoga. Here we guide you through the many types of yoga, so you can choose the best for you, depending on whether you want to burn the energy, get an excellent anti-stress tool, or find inner peace.


What is it?
One of the yogaens original main branches. Today the “grand father” of a wide range of physical yoga-related forms.
What happens?
Efforts include with physical exercises, nasal wash, concentration and meditation.
What is the goal?
To increase body awareness, concentration, energy level and overall well-being.
Who is it for?


What is it?
A bit hit in the U.S. Takes place in premises that are warmed up to above 100 degrees. Arise out of hatha-yogaen.
What happens?
Training is tough and it consists of 26 different positions, each done twice.
What is the goal?
Different positions, each done twice. Training in the heat increases the body’s flexibility, the charges and get it in place.
Who is it for?
Younger people in good shape.


What is it?
A very physical and tough yoga form that is best suited for people who are physically active and in pretty good shape already. Ashtanga yogo is not for yoga beginners.

What happens?
Work with breathing exercises, known as the body lock, and in different series, which breaks without changing positions.

What is the goal?
To improve one’s well being through hard training, which purifies muscles, joints and internal organs, and balance in the body.
Who is it for?
Younger people in very good shape.


What is it?
A very gymnastisk, technically oriented physical yoga form. Arise out of hatha-yoga.

What happens?
The poses are kept longer than in other forms of yoga. Slow, but physically. Various tools ensures that everyone can take part in this yoga form.

What is the goal?
Getting your body and your breathing work together and create a greater awareness of body position.

Who is it for?
Perfectionists. Older, disabled, people with reduced mobility. By rehabilitation.


What is it?
A sub branch of Ashtanga yoga where elements of aerobics is incorporated.

What happens?
Unlike regular yoga, which included breaks, Power yoga continues from start to finish as in an aerobics hours.

What is the goal?
Combining extent strength and breathing training.
Who is it for?


What is it?
A soft form of yoga, that is both focused on the physical and mental elements.

What happens?
Work towards meditate in motion.

What is the goal?
Through different positions to explore and resolve emotional conflicts.
Who is it for?


What is it?
A spiritual form of yoga.

What happens?
Physical exercises, breathing exercises and relaxation.

What is the goal?
To connect to something divine.

Who is it for?
All spiritual seekers.

Tags: Different Types of Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Main Types Yoga Yoga, Different Type of Yoga and Their Benefits.

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