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The Features of Yoga Classes for Children

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Do not go deep into the spiritual aspects of yoga, doing yoga with children. Kids’ yoga classes may include only a few yoga poses, to be practiced together with games, songs, stories. The aim for the kids should be fun at yoga classes as children associate physical activity with fun and feel good. If there’s one thing kids know how to do, it’s a game.

The difference between yoga classes for adults and children is a way of practice. Yoga teachers say they do not teach kids but play with them. It is recommended not to tell the children how they should do the pose but just let them move. Focusing on how to perform a pose properly, takes the children out of creative play and yoga experience.

Children are curious by nature. They also love to imitate. Take advantage of the fact that many yoga poses have animal names, such as Cobra, Dog, Fish or Crow. Encourage children to make animal noises as they explore these poses and have them pretend that they are dogs, cobras, or other animals, and ask them to imagine how these animals move.

When you ask children to take the dog pose, they are not kids, practicing posture, they are dogs. You do not tell the dog, how it should look. In classes, teachers are more likely to ask children to bark or wag their tails in the pose of a dog than to instruct them how to move the body to take this pose.

The goal of yoga teachers is to give children specific tools for everyday practice and the opportunity to use those tools at school and at home. Older children who participated in sports find that their athletic capacity improves because of the skills they gain in yoga.

It is beneficial if parents are aware of how to help kids apply poses they learned in class and practice together. It is said that yoga doesn’t just change bodies, it changes lives.

Tags: The Features of Yoga Classes for Children, The Features of Yoga Classes for Kids, Parent and Child Yoga Classes, Yoga Classes for Children in Rishikesh, Yoga Classes For Kids in Rishikesh

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