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Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama

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A great boon to the practice of yoga is the positive effect that is has on the mind-body, allowing us to better overcome extreme emotion and stress. The breathing techniques used in yogic practice are naturally soothing and calming; the cleansing breath, or kapalbhati in Sanskrit, is used exclusively for this purpose.

Kapalbhati means literally to “polish the skull” in its original Sanskrit, giving a pointed suggestion as to its purpose. Using this breathing technique to cleanse and detox your busy mind, you will find almost instantly that its effects are great and wondrous.

Performing kapalbhati is technically quite easy, though it is important that it is performed correctly in order to obtain the best results. Follow these basic instructions as you prepare to practice:

Take a seat in any position that keeps your spine erect and your body relaxed; I personally find the cross-legged and vajrasana positions have the most beneficial effect. Relax yourself and breathe deeply, closing your eyes and feeling the movement of the breath as you clear your mind. Once you feel fully composed, begin to exercise the diaphragm by exhaling your breath quickly through the nostrils, allowing the in and out of your breathing to remain natural and easy. A general rule of thumb for the beginner is to practice each type of breathing for about seven cycles, allowing the body to gradually warm up to the process. Be aware of the breath deep in your belly and use the upper chest as little as possible.

If you find your breath becoming ragged or broken at any time during the practice, take a break and compose yourself again; the benefits of kapalbhati will not be felt if the body is not relaxed.

What are some of the obvious benefits of kapalbhati?

The powerful breath created in this practice leads to great energy, cleaning and purifying the nasal passage, throat and lungs. The effects on the mind are immediate; relaxation replaces worry, clearness replaces clutter, calmness replaces stress.

Regular and increased practice will help you to maintain these benefits even outside of your practice, allowing you to go through your daily life with the same serenity and clearness of mind that you feel while in seated meditation.

Tags: benefits of kapalbhati, kapalbhati benefits, kapalbhati pranayama benefits, kapalbhati techniques, kapalbhati for beginners, what is kapalbhati & its benefits, how to do kapalbhati, kapalbhati yoga, breath of fire benefits, breath of fire benefits breathing, breath of fire pranayama, kapalbhati breathing.

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