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Ardha Shalabhasana (Half Locust Pose), Steps, Benefits and Precautions

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The Ardha Shalabhasana, commonly known as the Half Locust Pose, will be discussed in this article. This yoga asana is excellent for strengthening the back muscles and improving general posture. We will go through how to do Ardha Shalabhasana, the benefits it provides, and some considerations to take while executing this pose. Let’s get started!

Ardha Shalabhasana (half locust pose): Technique and Steps

Follow these steps to practise Ardha Shalabhasana:

Begin by lying flat on your stomach with your legs straight and your arms by your sides. Make sure your chin is flat on the ground.
Bring your palms down: Place your palms face down under your thighs, near your hips.
Engage your core: Draw your navel towards your spine to engage your core muscles.
Lift your right leg as you inhale: As you inhale, slowly lift your right leg off the ground, maintaining it straight. Keep your hips and pelvis on the ground at all times.
Hold the pose: Maintain a steady and regulated breath while holding the elevated position for a few breaths.
Exhale and release: Exhale and slowly lower your right leg to the ground.
Repeat with your left leg, elevating it off the ground while maintaining the rest of your body stable.
Rest for a while, then repeat the pose, alternating between the right and left legs for a few rounds.

Benefits of Ardha Shalabhasana (half locust pose)

Ardha Shalabhasana provides numerous mental and physical benefits. Let us look at some of its primary benefits:

Strengthens the back muscles: Ardha Shalabhasana focuses on the muscles of the lower back, strengthening and toning them. This can help with back discomfort and posture.
The pose engages the abdominal muscles, activating the digestive organs and aiding better digestion.
Improves flexibility: Ardha Shalabhasana, when practised regularly, helps to enhance flexibility in the hips, thighs, and lower back, boosting general mobility.
Improves blood circulation: The posture stimulates blood flow to the back and lower body, which can increase circulation and nourish the muscles and organs.
Ardha Shalabhasana targets the gluteal muscles and strengthens the legs, providing a solid and toned appearance.
Controlled breathing and concentrated concentration are essential in this pose to assist calm the mind, alleviate tension, and counteract tiredness.

Precautions and Safety Measures

While Ardha Shalabhasana is typically safe for most people, the following precautions should be taken:

Avoid if pregnant: Pregnant women should avoid Half Locust Pose, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy.
Avoid back injuries: If you have a chronic or acute back injury, avoid this position or seek the advice of a skilled yoga instructor.
Be aware of neck strain: Avoid straining your neck while elevating your legs. Maintain a neutral position with your gaze slightly ahead.
Listen to your body: If you feel any pain or discomfort during the pose, or if something doesn’t seem right, adjust the pose accordingly. It’s critical to practise with mindfulness and avoid pushing oneself too far.
Warm up before practising: It is recommended that you warm up your body with easy stretches and movements before attempting Ardha Shalabhasana. This helps to prepare the muscles for the position while also lowering the risk of injury.
If you are new to yoga or have any special health problems or injuries, it is best to visit a trained yoga instructor or healthcare practitioner before performing Half Locust Pose. They can provide tailored advice and adaptations based on your specific requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ardha Shalabhasana (Half Locust Pose)

Yes, Ardha Shalabhasana can help with lower back pain since it strengthens the muscles in the area, which provides support and stability. However, if you have a pre-existing ailment, you should practise with perfect technique and visit a specialist.

As a beginning, hold the pose for 10-15 seconds and progressively extend the duration as your strength and flexibility improve. As you advance, aim for 30-60 seconds per leg.

It’s best to practice yoga positions on an empty stomach or at least a few hours after eating. Performing Ardha Shalabhasana on an empty stomach may create discomfort and impair your ability to activate your core muscles adequately.

While Ardha Shalabhasana can help with muscle strengthening and toning, it should be used with a healthy diet and a regular exercise plan for effective weight loss.

Ardha Shalabhasana can be practised on a regular basis, but it’s vital to listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Allow your muscles to recuperate by taking rest days as needed.

Yes, there are Ardha Shalabhasana variations that can increase or lessen the intensity of the position. Some variations include raising both legs at the same time or raising the legs higher for a more difficult variation.


Ardha Shalabhasana, or Half Locust Pose, is a powerful yoga asana with significant health and mental advantages. You may strengthen your back muscles, improve your posture, increase your flexibility, stimulate your abdominal organs, and feel relaxed and rejuvenated by practising this pose on a daily basis. Remember to take the required precautions, follow the proper stages and practices, and consult a professional if necessary. Incorporate Ardha Shalabhasana into your yoga practice and reap the benefits of its transforming influence on your entire well-being.

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