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Kunjal Kriya – Yoga For Body Cleansing – Stomach Cleansing Process

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Vaman Dhauti (Regurgitative Cleansing)

What is Kunjal Kriya ?

Kunjal Kriya, Vaman Dhauti or Gajkarni Kriya is a part of “Shatkarma”, It is the cleansing techniques in yoga. As we take baths everyday to clean our externally bodies, in the same way, it needs internal cleaning as well. Kunjal Kriya purifies our digestive tract, intestine, lungs, liver, and food pipe. It’s a blessing in case of cough, congestion, cold & acidity.

Kunjal Kriya (the Practice of Vomiting Water)

Gajkarni Kriya or Kunjal Kriya, take 10 glasses of lukewarm water and mix 4 teaspoons
of salt in it drink all the water slowly. After drinking all the water, your stomach should fill up completely. Once your stomach is filled up with this lukewarm saltwater you perform got to Kunjal Kriya the way an elephant drinks water and spits it out, cleaning its stomach and its contents in the process. If your acidity levels are high, or you are suffering from mouth ulcers, where you have digestive problems and gods, Gajkarni Kriya is highly effective for you, and Will help relieve you of all these common gastric problems. After drinking all the water your stomach should fill up completely after drinking the water either stand over a vessel, or go to the wash basin and pressing down on your stomach with your left hand. Insert two fingers of your right hand into your mouth, rub your tongue with your fingers in and out to induce vomiting the water. You drank may not come out instantly, but continuous rubbing of the tongue with your fingers. It Will definitely induce it to come pouring out in some time. At first it might come out in a trickle and then come gushing out altogether. Rub your tongues, some more to induce all the contents of your stomach to come out along with the water. All the undigested contents of your stomach should also come out along with any other bilious or acidic contents. After performing Kunjal Kriya, you should perform shavasana for some time. Kunjal kriya will help you sleep well at night as it helps relax the entire body’s internal systems.

Why Kunjal Kriya is important?

Modern Type people face various Many Type of problems related to digestion like acidity, gas, indigestion etc. There is reason behind it. After eating food, it remains in the stomach for some time. In the abdomen, it gets mixed with digestive juice so that it can easily be absorbed in the intestine. But, tiny particles of food remain undigested in the lining of the abdomen. These particles remain there until our next meals. When we take another meals, these particles get mixed with fresh food. This can contaminate & poison the system causing acidity. Kunjal Kriya and Vaman Dhauti helps us to remove these tiny particles from lining of the stomach.


These practices should not be performed by people suffering from hernia, high blood pressure, raised intracranial pressure, heart disease, stroke, acutepeptic ulcer or by diabetics with eye problems, they are not recommended during pregnancy.

Benefits of Kunjal Kriya

These Kunjal Kriya techniques tone and stimulate all the abdominal organs by inducing strong muscular constraction in the stomach walls. excess mucus is removed, heling respiratory fucntions.
These Kunjal techniques help to release pent-up emotions & emotional blocks or feelings of heaviness in the heart caused by inner & external conflict & pressures.

Certain precautions for performing Kunjal Kriya:

  1. perform Kunjal Kriya in the mornings with an empty stomach before performing any other yoga Asanas.
  2. For people suffering from heart diseases, hernia, peptic duaodenal and gastric ulcers. kunjal kriya is forbidden.
  3. Avoid eating heavy Foods, alcohol, cigarettes and non vegetarian foods. After performing kunjal Kriya.
  4. After performing control Korea, you should perform shavasan for some time
  5. For women Kunjal Kriya is forbidden during pregnancy, and during menstrual periods
  6. Have a very light meal and an hour after performing kunjal Kriya.

Tags: Kunjal Kriya, Stomach Cleansing Yoga, Benefits Of Kunjal Kriya, Kunjal Kriya Side Effects, Vaman Kriya, Kunjal Kriya For Acid Reflux, Kunjal Kriya Precautions, Benefits of Vaman Dhauti, Vyaghra Kriya, Benefits of Regurgitative Cleansing, Benefits of Elephant Action, Benefits Gaja Karma Kriya, Tiger Practice.

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