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Benefits of Pranayama

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The Best Benefits of Pranayama That Practitioners Can Get

Pranayama is sometimes also called yoga breathing and people often are unaware of the many benefits they can get out of practicing this kind of yoga. Pranayama is from the Sanskrit words Prana or life force and Ayama or control, thus Pranayama is the control of the life force in a human body. Thus, it can be the control of breathing that the human body can benefit from. Some of the best benefits of Pranayama that a person can get can be changes in health, including increased vitality and also increase in self-confidence. Changes in the clarity of mind, focus, concentration, and likewise overall peace of mind will be observed.

Pranayama in Sanskrit प्राणायाम (prāṇāyāma), from प्राण (prāṇá, “life force, vital energy, the breath”) (whence also English prana) + आयाम (āyāma, “lengthening, extending, stretching”).

Some of the best benefits of Pranayama you can get

With Pranayama or yoga breathing you can train yourself how to breathe slowly and deeply. It is believed in the Pranayama yoga practice that by reducing the breathing rate, a yoga practitioner can slow down his heart rate while also pumping in more oxygen. By reducing the breathing rate a lowering of blood pressure will also be observed, while also having a relaxed feeling from all body tensions and also having quieter nerves. All these will result in reduced wear and tear of body tissues and likewise with the body’s internal organs. These are only some of the benefits of Pranayama that you can get.

The yoga philosophy of Pranayama is the practice of increasing the life longevity of a person. This yoga philosophy is about life longevity depending on the breathing rate of a person. The result of lowering the breathing rate will be an increased amount of freshly oxygenated blood in the tissues, and also the oxygenated blood traveling from the internal organs back to the heart. This improved circulation and also the amount of oxygenated blood will benefit the whole body. These are benefits of Pranayama that practitioners can get.

Types of Pranayama

Here are a few types of pranayamas to get you started on your journey to being healthier.

  1. Bhastrika Pranayama
  2. Kapalbhati pranayama
  3. Nadi shodhan Pranayama
  4. Ujjayi pranayama
  5. Sheetkari pranayama
  6. Sheetli Pranayama
  7. Surya bhedana pranayama
  8. Plavini pranayama

Is a healthy heart one of the best benefits of Pranayama you can get?

The heart is one of the most important organs in a person’s body and one of the most industrious parts of the body. It pumps blood nonstop, making it a very important body organ, supplying blood to the other internal organs, likewise with the body tissues to the smallest part of the human body. With better functioning of the body’s internal organs, an improvement in the overall health of the person will be observed. Having a healthy heart in persons also are benefits of Pranayama that a person can get.

With the yoga practice of Pranayama, the body organs will have more oxygenated blood which will, in turn, remove all harmful body toxins. Harmful diseases can be prevented in this way. With Pranayama practice, and with a better breathing rate, the yoga practitioner will feel more relaxed and at ease on all body tensions. This can result in an improvement of life in the person, especially in old age. It is recommended that you learn this from yoga teachers and you will be able to get the best benefits of Pranayama yoga.


Tags: Pranayama Breathwork, Pranic Breathing, пранаяма, Different Types of Pranayama, Benefits of Pranayama, 7 Types of Pranayama, 8 Types of Pranayama, Pranayama in Sanskrit, What is Pranayama, The Best Benefits of Pranayama That Practitioners Can Get

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